Ode to the laundry

I have so much going on now that things are starting to slip.  Some days it is so challenging to balance it all.  For example yesterday, I was looking for my favorite wool sweater and I just couldn’t find it.  Last night, I found it in the washing machine.

Look how cute it is.  It is so small it is absurd.  As a frame of comparison, I have a normal sized sweater on the left.  I am actually quite impressed with how small wool gets when water hits it. What would have happened if I wore it during a rain storm?

All of this inspired me to write a ballad to my arch-enemy… the laundry.  I have several evil villains in the domestic category, so I suspect that the “Ode’s” will be a recurring theme in this blog.

Ode to the laundry

This arranged marriage of necessity
Is not really working out for me
Your incessant demand for attention creates quite a calamity

The wash… the fold
It is all getting really old

You rebel with missing socks
And wool sweaters that shrink… A LOT

An unwanted wrinkle if kept waiting too long
Forces me to resort to the dreaded iron

A hidden red in a load of whites
Oh, I am on to you alright

I fantasize of having an affair
With the Wash N’ Fold in the market square

The clean smell, the happy faces
Of the patrons leaving these places

One day I’ll poke in and inquire
To free myself of this burdensome mire

The daydream of something new
Sure beats the misery of tending to you

Oh the temptation… the desire
Makes my pulse quicken, my heart afire

Yet since my wallet is thin,
I’ll find myself content with you again.

With my ball and chain I will keep my wishes at bay,
I shall toil and fold and put away
All while dreaming of a better day


Filed under adult education, Alicia Legg, Continuing Education, No Adult Left Behind

2 responses to “Ode to the laundry

  1. Melissa

    Love this post!!! Now…have you ever washed a clean load because you were so busy you just went through the motions like a robot…then suddenly it occurs to me (I mean anyone) that it’s odd for the kid’s socks to still be paired!!!!!!!! In the words of Michael Jackson…You Are Not Alone.

    • Melissa, you are a riot. And YES I have done this. Here are some other “Ali’s Ooops” that I have done: Washed a wallet (which wasn’t mine. – Good times in our house that week), washed pens, crayons, left laundry in the washing machine while I went away for a weekend, put a black sock in the white bleach bucket, turned the dryer on again and again just because I am too lazy to fold or iron. Oh, I could go on and on.

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